CCE Student Intern Team


As our office name suggests, we are a collaboration of people and efforts that support community engagement on and off campus. We see our intern team as a cooperative or "co-op" of students who work toward a common purpose or benefit through a jointly-owned and democratically managed enterprise. In the business world, a cooperative is a way for people to meet their own needs through a company that is owned and operated by the people who use its products and services. The CCE's student intern team is the structure through which students can guide, direct, and take joint ownership of the work of the CCE. Our goal is to equitably share voice, power, decision-making, and meaning-making of our office with students.



The Intern Team



Student Director of the Bonner Fellowship

Mackenzie Wagner

Major: Feminist & Gender Studies

Bio: Hi hi! My name is Mackenzie, I also go by Mack, and I am the Student Director of the Bonner Fellowship! I’m from Denver, CO and am a junior this year, majoring Feminist and Gender Studies and minoring in Education. I enjoy making art, cooking, Rummikub, and golfing. Within my role at the CCE, I am a resource for current and prospective Bonner fellows and put together much of the Bonner programming. By participating in community engagement with the CCE, I found community on and off campus, and I hope the same for you. If you’re interested in how to get involved with the Bonner Fellowship or the CCE in general, please email me! 


Riley is standing under a flower arc.Student Director of Student Engagement

Riley Moore


Major: Undeclared

Bio: Hey there! My name is Riley, and I am from Raleigh, NC. I’m currently an undeclared sophomore but am planning to major in Environmental Studies! I love cafes, all things nature, and I am an avid connoisseur of sudoku. As the student director of engagement, I’ll be helping with the Community Engaged Scholars Program and the CCE-advised student organizations. I hope to see y’all around, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!




McCune_Brendan2023Student Director of BreakOut

Brendan McCune

Major: Mathematics

Bio: I’m a senior from Greeley, CO and I am an enjoyer of doo-dads of the trinket variety, but isn't everyone? If you ask me, BreakOut is special because it allows us to get to know both the Colorado Springs and CC communities... simultaneously! Come check it out!




Co-Director of BreakOut

Macy McCauley

Bio: I am a senior Education major from Loveland, Colorado. I love painting, getting crafty, swimming, hiking, and hanging out with friends. As co-director of BreakOut, I get to organize community engagement trips in the Colorado Springs and the broader Colorado community. BreakOut is pretty darn cool because it connects CC students to the world around us, which I love. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!


Sabrina's headshot. Sabrina is standing in front of large sand hills.Student Director of Communications

Sabrina Liu

Bio: I'm a sophomore who's probably gonna major in Molecular Biology. I come from Nanjing, China so feel free to ask me about Chinese culture and beyond! I like reading, playing the piano and guitar, climbing and other outdoor activities, patting my cat, and doing volunteer work. As the Student Director of Communications, together with Pang, I will support recruitment for community engagement opportunities and share stories of community engagement via various media. Community engagement plays a great part in my CC experience and life in general, and I can't wait to share my feelings with you!



Student Director of CC Votes

Ady Bolinger


Bio: Hi, I’m Ady! I’m a massive political science nerd from Claremont, California. In my free time you can find me crafting outdoors in a sunny spot, listening to an absurd amount of podcasts, or cooking a new recipe for my loved ones! Through CC Votes’ registration, education, and community engagement efforts, I aim to get students informed and inspired to participate in the electoral process. I hope to bring joy and lightness to the doom and darkness felt in politics today through my work with CC Votes. Please reach out to me personally — or through the CC Votes email — if you’re interested in volunteering, events, or have any questions! 





Report an issue - Last updated: 11/20/2024